JAPA Academy in collaboration with Local Health Systems Sustainability program LHSS funded by USAID is preparing to conduct the 4th Bootcamp in “Crash course in critical care medicine and procedures”  by Jordanian and American Boarded experts on August 17,18&19, 2023 at the Jordanian nursing council simulation center

The attendance is limited to the critical care fellows sent by  MOH,JUH, RMS& KHCC

JAPA Academy in collaboration with Local Health Systems Sustainability program LHSS funded by USAID would like to invite you to Join us in our upcoming live lecture discussing “Empyema” on the 8th of August 2023 at 7:00 pm with Dr. Mohammad Abdallat

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JAPA Academy in collaboration with Local Health Systems Sustainability program LHSS funded by USAID would like to invite you to join our upcoming talk to discuss “Upper airway obstruction and difficult airway management” on the 6th of August 2023 at 7:00 pm Jordan time with Dr. Saif Al Qatarneh

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As a part of the national critical care program; JAPA in collaboration with Local Health System Sustainability Project -LHSS funded by the USAID, is hosting a body and neuro imaging bootcamp.

Five expert (Dr. Mohammad El Ghanem, Dr. Laith Alhyari, Dr. Abdullah Malkawi, Dr. Mohammad Alberawi and Dr. Raya Al Halawani)Jordanian American physicians are presenting a range of body and neuro imaging related topics to 31 trainees from Albasheer Hospital, JUH, RMS & KHCC.


JAPA Academy in collaboration with Local Health Systems Sustainability program LHSS funded by USAID would like to invite you to Join us in our upcoming grand round discussing “Respiratory failure post bone marrow transplant ” on the 7th of August 2023 at 7:00 pm with Dr. Moustafa Younis

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JAPA Academy in collaboration with Local Health Systems Sustainability program LHSS funded by USAID is preparing to conduct the 3rd Bootcamp in “Body and neuro imaging”  by Jordanian American Boarded experts on July 31st, August 1st, 2nd 2023 at Corp hotel Amman

The attendance is limited to the critical care fellows sent by  MOH,JUH, RMS& KHCC

JAPA Academy in collaboration with Local Health Systems Sustainability program LHSS funded by USAID would like to invite you to join our upcoming talk to discuss “Perioperative managment of patient undergoing cardiac surgery” on the 30th of July 2023 at 7:00 pm Jordan time with Dr. Amjad Bani Hani

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JAPA Academy in collaboration with Local Health Systems Sustainability program LHSS funded by USAID would like to invite you to Join us in our upcoming journal club discussing “Haloperidol and Ziprasidone for Treatment of Delirium in Critical Illness” on the 26th of July 2023 at 7:00 pm with Dr. Radwan Abu Romman

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JAPA Academy in collaboration with Local Health Systems Sustainability program LHSS funded by USAID would like to invite you to join our upcoming talk to discuss “Assessment of neurological function” on the 19th of July 2023 at 7:00 pm Jordan time with Dr. Amal Abu Libdeh

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JAPA Academy in collaboration with Local Health Systems Sustainability program LHSS funded by USAID would like to invite you to join our upcoming talk to discuss “Obstructive uropathy and urinary tract bleeding” on the 17th of July 2023 at 7:00 pm Jordan time with Dr. Mohammad Shahait

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